5 Ways to Get Back at Your Ex
A relationship is something that exists on a knife edge, something that can be as fragile as the thinnest pane of glass, so that is why you have to keep a relationship healthy to allow it to get stronger and not to shatter.
Unfortunately break ups do happen and they can be the most stressful, tormented and emotional times that you have to deal with. If you do break up you may feel that you want to retaliate and get back at your ex for all the heartbreak etc... but you have to ask yourself 'is this the best move to make?'.
One of the better ways to get back at your ex might not only put your ex in an interesting predicament but it might also get you back together as a couple by showing your ex how important they were and still are to them. So the tips that follow are not only an excellent way to get back at your ex but also an excellent way to force a rethink on whether you should actually both be apart!
Number 1.
Be strong!, not physically like Spartacus / Xena etc... but emotionally, nobody likes a needy person, they are just too much work!especially in broken relationships. Don't beg or cry over copious amounts of wine and beer, don't be clingy, thats what plastic wrap is for! AND don't be desperate running round like a puppy whose wagging tail pleads 'love me love me'! Try and have the air of someone who has moved on and is alright with everything, let your ex think you are doing just fine without them by acting strong and moving on. When your ex sees this they will realise that they have not done so well and start to question and look at themselves.
Number 2.
The less contact with your ex the better, minimal is the word, don't cut them off completely though. It may feel a bit counterproductive at first when inside you really want to get your ex back but this is one of the most important steps to take before you can even consider getting them back. Take a break from them, put an end to the pointless text messages and emails and let them stew a bit. This should allow your ex to clear their thoughts and hopefully realise how valuable you are to their life structure.
Number 3.
Be flexible! Don't be angry or confrontational with your ex, don't throw them out after having packed their bags for them, be flexible. Have empathy with them, listen to them and don't just 'hear' them, LISTEN. A bit of sympathy helps too, don't forget it takes two to tango and you will probably be hurting as much as each other. You will probably find that your ex will be surprised when they see this side of you and it may make them reconsider their lines of communication with you which probably had fallen apart by the time you got to this point.
Number 4.
Go Out! don't just sit there on facebook and twitter bleating on to anyone that will listen, nobody loves Mr or Mrs Whiney! Get hold of your friends and go out somewhere, build a social network like it was going out of fashion and do things that you didn't do while you were in a relationship. I don't mean you necessarily have to date or even pay attention to the opposite sex but I for one do believe that people can have best friends of the opposite sex without it ending up with fumbling around on the sheets! Going out and socialising will not only be therapeutic for you but it would help to convince your ex that they might have lost someone special when you suddenly become Mr/Miss Popularity!
Finally Number 5.
This is so simple...Be Yourself. There was a valid and really good reason why your ex chose to have you as the person in your relationship, so why change things, go back to being the person that you were before you met them and let your ex see why they loved you in the first place. This will also give you your confidence back and should make the clouds of doom move away from the top of your head!
So, even though this article was about 'how to get back at your ex', if you do things properly and by the book then if all goes well you should be rekindling that lost romance and getting your ex back at the same time!
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