If you have just broken up with a girlfriend, I can empathise with how you may possibly be feeling - I've been there myself. I felt downhearted and troubled when I broke up with my ex girlfriend. All I hoped to have was to be back with my ex girlfriend, but I wasn't absolutely sure how to go about that.
Often all we need is to be back again with our loved one. Our mates and family members may think they know what is best for us, yet they cannot see underneath, how we actually feel.
Is it feasible to win your ex girlfriend's love back?
Absolutely. No matter what your situation, there is hope. In fact, you have already achieved the difficult part already. You've been in a relationship with her already, so you know that there are emotions deep down inside her. It's now just up to you to get them to the top and display to her what she really means to you.
The first step is to think back - why is she unhappy with the situation? There may be a multitude of reasons, but that's fine.
Now, a sensible idea straight after the break up is to grant her some space to herself. If you continue on as in the past, calling or texting her, then she can feel smothered and you will only be forcing her further away. The key to getting your woman back is to use the power of seductiveness.
Do not ever confront her, but show her all the respect she merits and give her what she wants. After all, if you genuinely want to be with her, then she has to be content. Don't start playing the blame game, just make her happy and you will be happy as well.
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