"My girlfriend wants to take a break, now what?" You never want to hear yourself saying that. If you are, you've got a problem on your hands. Whenever a woman says she needs time, space or distance it doesn't bode well for her boyfriend. Gaining some insight into what it means and what you can do is the only way you're going to be able to save the relationship. If you don't want to lose your girlfriend, you need to act right now to ensure that doesn't happen.
If your girlfriend wants space you have to come to terms with what she's trying to tell you. Unlike what many people believe, when someone says they want a break or time it's a step towards breaking up. It's usually what kind and compassionate people say when they're fearful of hurting their partner's feelings. She's telling you that she needs a break because she's not sure she wants to be with you anymore. In fact, she's probably already plotting how she'll eventually break up with you. Once you accept that the relationship is clearly on the rocks, you can start working towards repairing it.
Before you do anything else you need to accept that she needs her own space right now. By accepting that, and telling her as much, you'll be accomplishing two very important things. First, you'll be showing your girlfriend that you respect her needs. She needs to know that you do. Secondly, if you tell her that you agree that a break is in order, you'll be leveling off the rejection. You won't be the only one feeling it anymore. She'll feel that you're pushing her away as well, and that will change how she feels. Anytime a person is rejected, regardless of whether or not they're also rejecting their partner, they feel hurt. Although you don't want to hurt her right now because you fear that she'll break up with you on the spot, this type of emotional pain is helpful in the bigger plan of keeping her with you.
The next important step to take when your girlfriend wants to take a break is to grant her wish. Give her the break. Stop all contact for a couple of weeks. She asked for you to give her time and you now need to honor that. Most women who ask for space don't really expect to get it. They anticipate a scenario in which their boyfriend begs them to reconsider and throws himself at their feet. You don't want to prove to be that stereotypical. Be strong and find the willpower to not talk to her. Give her a sense of life without you. That's often enough to change a woman's mind and make her long for her boyfriend again.
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