воскресенье, 25 апреля 2010 г.

Chapter 2 I take a lover...or not   by Jessicas Distraction

Wow. I can't believe all the emails I got. Thanks everyone for all the advice. A quick update on the situation I wrote about previously. I officially kicked Mitchell to the curb (as advised to do in many colorful ways via email :p) I had planned on being a bitch and telling his Mom about the situation, especially after Amy cornered me and informed me that if she found out I told anyone she was going to "beat my ass". Screw that. But, alas, following her threat 2 things happened. First, Mr. Mitch reminded me that he has some very compromising photos of me, that he will post on the internet if I run my mouth. Second, I came to the conclusion that they won't be able to keep this ordeal a secret. They know it, and so do I. It's only a matter of time. So I intend on looking to the future. Although I intend on hunting down those photos of me. I'll need to gain his trust and do a search of his room. Maybe I will go over there when he's gone to visit with his Mom. Then I'll go to the "bathroom" and take a detour.

Enough of that crap. I'll tell you a little bit more about myself. I am 17 and a Senior in High School. My parents are divorced, and I live at home with my Mom. Her name is Brenda. It's been just her and I for as long as I can remember. I turn 18 in a few weeks and I already caught her having a cry over it. I'm her baby and I've grown up so fast. One thing that she's happy about, however, is that the College I am to attend is right here close. So I will be able to continue living at home, as opposed to going away. My car is in really good condition, for being an 07. I just had an oil change as well. So driving back and forth will pose no problems.

Is it just me or are you always your horniest when you are single ? Now that I am not getting steady nookie, I have been unbelievably hot and bothered. Perhaps I will take a lover...I love how exotic that sounds LOL. Seriously though as far as male companionship I'm still unsure what direction that will take. I am bisexual, maybe I should try for a girlfriend ? The plot thickens...

Ok well I think I will finish this up. You all still have my email. Have you had any success meeting people online ? I am considering it, but I don't know what site to go on. email me your suggestions please ?

Thanks everyone. Till we meet again...

http://jessicasdistraction.blogspot.com Is my ugly blog

Jessica1985@cool-neatstuff.com is my email.

Thanks for reading, maybe I will write more. I don't know.

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