четверг, 22 апреля 2010 г.

Will She Forgive me for Cheating?   by TW Jackson

Many times men who have cheated invest a lot of energy in asking themselves if the woman they love will be able to forgive them for cheating. It's a good question to ask. Very few men start out by looking for opportunities to cheat. We all understand the social taboos that are associated with cheating. We know that it isn't the best choice to make but sometimes it just happens and we're left wondering how we got in this predicament and what should we do about it now.

As far as whether or not she'll forgive you for cheating, that is a question that only she can answer. Unfortunately, it might take her a little time to figure it out. Women view cheating a little differently than men. On top of that; no two women view cheating exactly alike. Each woman has her own view as to how much of a betrayal cheating is and whether or not it's something she can look past or even move beyond.

It's also important to realize that women will be able to forgive cheating on their own time lines. This is not something you can pressure or rush her into. Trying to do that will only make matters worse. The best question to ask in this situation though is not if she will forgive you for cheating but what can you do to help her forgive you for cheating.

Here are a couple of grand ideas that can help your cause:

Be the man she fell in love with again. Most cheating happens when marriages fall into a rut. We all change a little as we grow older and more comfortable with the people around us. It's understandable that you might have both started paying a little less attention to each other and doing a little less to try to get the attention of the other person. It's part of what leads to cheating in the first place. If you want to make things right, make the first move to go back to the beginning and win her heart all over again.

Be romantic. Bring flowers, cook dinner, write silly songs and poems, and then ask her to dance whether there's music or not. Bring back the romance. When she sees you really making an effort to win her back she will have a much harder time resisting your efforts. Focus on giving instead of taking.

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